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What We Treat

Pre/Post Surgical

Research shows that rehabilitation before and after surgery can dramatically improve the overall experience.


Buffalo, NY


After a lifetime of shoulder dislocations, I’m now stronger than ever thanks to Limitless!

Specific Pre/Post Surgical

If you’ve experienced an injury, you may be required to follow a structured program in order to return back to your sport. We can guide you, your coach, and/or your strength coach so that you can safely return without re-injury. We work extensively with local surgeons, understanding their protocols, and we communicate regularly with them to ensure that you get the highest level of care.
Foot and Ankle Surgery
Have you recently undergone surgery? We can improve your foot and ankle strength to get you back to walking without pain.
Knee Arthroscopy
Arthroscopic surgery can diagnose and treat knee injuries. This procedure views the inside of the knee to investigate the problems.
ACL Reconstruction
A common sports injury is when the major ligament in one’s knee is torn, then the ligament is either reconstructed or replaced depending on the severity of the tear.
Spinal Surgery
A procedure that relieves pain, numbness, and weakness.
Shoulder Stabilization
A chronic condition that causes frequent dislocations of one’s shoulder joint.
Total Hip Replacement
Hip replacement surgery is a procedure that replaces a worn-out or damaged hip joint.
Total Knee Replacement
Total knee replacement surgery is considered when a patient’s knee joints have been damaged by either trauma or arthritis.
Rotator Cuff Problems
Rotator cuff injury can include muscle tears, bursitis, tendinitis, and other injuries. If your rotator is damaged, you’ll have severe pain throughout your entire shoulder.

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Live Without Limits.

Ready to live a life without limits? Schedule a consultation with one of our expert physical therapists today.