What We Treat


Feeling off balance or dizzy? Afraid of falling? Stop these two issues from interfering with your life and get the results you deserve with physical therapy.


Geneva, New York


Dr. Lindsey and the Team at Limitless helped me gain my confidence back, I can now walk without being fearful of falling.

Born and raised in Geneva, NY. Denise Parks married and started a family. Now at 61, she discovered that she was having unusual balance problems. Denise would find herself randomly falling for no reason, luckily, these falls never resulted in serious injury, but they certainly could have.

Denise was living in a consistent state of unsteadiness, feeling uneasy and unsure. She felt much more comfortable staying put; getting up and moving around was too risky for her.

“It was best that I stay out of my own shadow so that I wouldn’t trip over it.

After Denise tried to balance herself by walking in new shoes and with a cane, she hoped that they would provide her with more support…nothing seemed to help.  Denise realized that it was now time to seek professional care. Denise was referred to Limitless by her ENT doctor, and scheduled an appointment with Lindsey, our balance and vestibular specialist. 

Dr. Lindsey began testing her balance, eye function, strength, sensation, and inner ear function to reveal the root of Denise’s problem. After the tests were completed, Dr. Lindsey came to the conclusion that Denise was having vestibular, or inner ear difficulties. Lindsey immediately established a plan of care to get Denise back on her feet and back to living without fear of falling. Denise’s sessions focused on balance, strengthening and vestibular functions. 

“Dr. Lindsey and the Team at Limitless helped me gain my confidence back, I can now walk without being fearful of falling.” 

The treatments that were chosen for Denise’s plan of care were tailored to her specific needs, Denise is now walking with ease, and her balance is steady and strong. Her balance and inner ear difficulties are no longer, Denise is now back to living her life without limitations.

Do you have an injury like Denise? Let’s break your limits.

Specific Balance/Dizziness

Unsteady Gait
Are you experiencing instability while walking? Our certified vestibular physical therapist can assess your condition and help you regain a healthy gait.
Neurologic Disorders
Neurologic Disorder physical therapy encompasses specialized comprehensive evaluation and treatment by our certified vestibular physical therapists of individuals with movement various problems often times due to disease or injury of the nervous system.
Vestibular Rehab
Schedule and meet with either of our two certified specialty-trained vestibular therapists to improve your overall balance and reduce further problems related to dizziness.
Dizziness can be very uncomfortable and make you feel unsafe throughout the day. We can evaluate the possible causes and provide vestibular rehabilitation to get your confidence back!
If you have suffered from a concussion recently, you have likely realized how complex the injury is. Let us help you with the physical recovery which may include neck pain, dizziness, balance difficulties, and other injuries you may have sustained.
Many things can cause decreased steadiness including weakness or deconditioning, neurologic disorders, the vestibular system, and pain. After an examination to evaluate possible causes of an unsteady gait, we will provide an individual plan of care to address deficits and improve balance!
TMJ Disfunction
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the jaw to the skull. TMJ can also be caused by a misalignment of the teeth, gum chewing, arthritis, teeth grinding, or jaw injury.
Wrist/Hand Pain
Pain occurs when bones are broken, muscles are strained or sprained, and ligaments and tendons are torn or damaged.
Shoulder Dislocation
Injury often happens with sports accidents or falls, your shoulder socket actually separates from the ball of your arm.
Tennis Elbow/Golfer’s Elbow
This condition is normally caused by overuse of the elbow. Elbow pain occurs when your tendons become inflamed. Any type of elbow pain is often the result of engaging in repetitive tasks or a sports injury.
Hip Pain/Impingement
Hip pain can be caused by a fall, a small fracture, or Arthritis can lead to serious pain. This intense pain happens when the cushioning sacs between your joints and connective tissues grow inflamed.
Planter Fasciitis
A common pain that can be alleviated through a series of exercises to stretch the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon and to strengthen lower leg muscles.
Are you having trouble identifying the difference between a strain and a sprain? There’s a key difference, we can help determine it!
Foot and Ankle Pain
Experiencing foot pain? Is it difficult to walk, exercise, or socialize due to this discomfort? It’s really no surprise. Your feet are some of the hardest-working parts of your body.
Knee Pain/Injuries
Knee pain can happen due to wearing down of the knee joint over time. Knee fractures can be difficult to heal and are common causes of knee pain. Knee pain is often connected to ligament injuries.
Neck Pain/Headaches
Tension, injury, poor posture or stress can cause pain to develop in your neck. The most important step in treating your pain with physical therapy is to identify its cause.
Back Pain
Dealing with back pain can be a challenge- facing the pain with the right approach is the answer to receive long-term results.
Rotator Cuff Problems
Rotator cuff injury can include muscle tears, bursitis, tendinitis, and other injuries. If your rotator is damaged, you’ll have severe pain throughout your entire shoulder.

limitless Rochester

Live Without Limits.

Ready to live a life without limits? Schedule a consultation with one of our expert physical therapists today.