Stretching is Extremely Important, Both Before AND After Workouts

tretching is Extremely Important

Did You Know Stretching Both Before and After Workouts Could Help Decrease the Risk of Injury? Do you make time to go to the gym a few times per week? If so, you should commend yourself for your efforts. But at our physical therapy clinic, we notice an interesting trend with a lot of our […]

Improve Your Health By Adding Stretching Into Your Daily Routine


Have You Discovered the Many Benefits of Stretching? Can some simple physical motions dramatically improve your overall health, wellness, and quality of life? In the case of stretching, the answer is most definitely yes. Stretching exercises are a staple of physical therapy for just that reason. You might be surprised to discover just how many […]

Do you stretch before and after your workout? If not, you should start.

stretch before and after

Working out on a regular basis is a great way to improve and maintain good health. If you’re not stretching before and after your workout, however, you’re not really taking advantage of a complete workout routine. There are several specific benefits of stretching both before and after a workout. Benefits of Stretching Before a Workout […]

Move Into A New Year By Getting In Shape – 3 Exercise Tips From Limitless PT


With every new year comes new resolutions. For many people, those resolutions include an increase of physical activity. Perhaps you want to spend more time at your local gym, or you want to make an effort to go on more runs around your neighborhood. Perhaps you even have a long-term goal, such as training for […]