Hip and Knee Pain Relief with Physical Therapy

hip and knee pain relief

There are so many causes of hip and knee pain, from excess weight to sports injuries, advancing age to repetitive motion injuries. Whatever the cause of your hip and/or knee pain, if you are experiencing it regularly you need to find a way to manage it. Many people use medications like anti-inflammatories to minimize their […]

Addressing Chronic Back Pain: 5 Tips to Help You Feel Better Faster

5 Tips to help you feel better faster

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 1 in 5 people have chronic pain. If you experience pain and discomfort on a daily basis, we encourage you to consult with a physical therapist who can work with you to address the symptoms and causes of your pain and help you gain better […]

How to Stay Active When You Have a Desk Job

stay active

At Limitless Physical Therapy, we see hard-working patients who want to excel in their careers and provide for their families—but it’s hard to do that when dealing with an injury. Unfortunately, many people eventually realize that it’s the sedentary nature of their job that’s directly impacting their health and job performance. Everyone needs to move […]

Do you stretch before and after your workout? If not, you should start.

stretch before and after

Working out on a regular basis is a great way to improve and maintain good health. If you’re not stretching before and after your workout, however, you’re not really taking advantage of a complete workout routine. There are several specific benefits of stretching both before and after a workout. Benefits of Stretching Before a Workout […]

Reduce Opioid Consumption and Feel Better with Physical Therapy

Reduce Opioid Consumption

Long-term opioid consumption is not a good strategy for managing chronic pain. In addition to the risk of addiction, opioids simply alleviate the symptoms (pain) of a larger problem. For very real, measurable improvement over chronic pain, physical therapy has been proven to be a much better option than opioids or other pharmaceutical painkillers. If […]

If You Don’t Think Nutrition Has an Effect on Your Pains, Think Again.

If You Don't Think Nutrition

Are Your Dietary Choices Making You Hurt? Some people eat to live, others live to eat — and still others are feeding their chronic aches and pains without even realizing it. If your pain issues have gotten steadily worse, maybe you need to look at your nutritional choices. Eating too much and/or eating the wrong […]

Aches and Pains in the Morning? Find Out What Might Be Causing Them.

pain free life

A Troubleshooting Guide to Morning Aches and Pains Do you leap out of bed excited at the thought of experiencing another morning — or do you just lie there, afraid to move because of the pain you’re likely to feel? Aches and pains are never welcome, but they can really dash your spirits when they […]

Concussions & Headaches

Concussions & Headaches

On television, injuries that turn out to be “just a concussion” are often anti-climactic events that the audience is led to believe will be over in days, if not hours. In real life, however, these traumatic brain injuries — which usually stem from a fall, severe shaking, a car accident or a direct blow to […]

Dizziness & Vertigo: How Limitless Physical Therapy Treats A Common Issue

dizziness & vertigo

Dizziness, a loss of balance and vertigo affect nearly 70 percent of all people over the age of 65. However, these conditions are not exclusive to the elderly. Those with vertigo and dizziness can experience a loss of balance, a fall, serious injury, or a withdrawal from daily activities. Yet for all its frequency, most […]

Move Into A New Year By Getting In Shape – 3 Exercise Tips From Limitless PT


With every new year comes new resolutions. For many people, those resolutions include an increase of physical activity. Perhaps you want to spend more time at your local gym, or you want to make an effort to go on more runs around your neighborhood. Perhaps you even have a long-term goal, such as training for […]