NO MORE OPIOIDS! Seek help from a physical therapist.

no more opioids

You’ve seen the headlines, and you know that opioids are the major driver behind the widespread drug crisis in America. We also know that if you or a loved one has chronic pain, you may be feeling frustrated and confused about your options. At our physical therapy clinic, we stand with the Centers for Disease […]

How to Stay Active When You Have a Desk Job

stay active

At Limitless Physical Therapy, we see hard-working patients who want to excel in their careers and provide for their families—but it’s hard to do that when dealing with an injury. Unfortunately, many people eventually realize that it’s the sedentary nature of their job that’s directly impacting their health and job performance. Everyone needs to move […]

Do you stretch before and after your workout? If not, you should start.

stretch before and after

Working out on a regular basis is a great way to improve and maintain good health. If you’re not stretching before and after your workout, however, you’re not really taking advantage of a complete workout routine. There are several specific benefits of stretching both before and after a workout. Benefits of Stretching Before a Workout […]

The Ins and Outs of Pre-hab – Everything You Should Expect


Are you in need of a surgical procedure? Do you have a physically demanding job or sport? Are your muscles or joints weaker than they used to be? If you identify with any of these scenarios, preventative rehabilitation, or “pre-hab,” may benefit you.   There are several benefits to participating in pre-hab treatments. It can […]